Adding Hyperlink to as dash board

Just got a perspective working with a SQL tile to pull in information from my CMDB database to show server information such as The Primary owner, Backup Owner, and Patch Window. That works perfect what I want to add into the perspective though is a hyper link to the portal to update the information along with some text saying some think like if this information is incorrect click here to update it. What would be the best way to do that I was thinking of an HTTP Tile would that be correct.


http tile is the best way.

Use some code like this in the tile

Follow this link to <a href="">Link Description</a>

Hopefully that is what you are after?

You could make the URL dynamic by adding the URL from the information you pull from the database.

If you select the SQL grid tile you have a section called grid options. There you can enter an url and add information from the database. For example{{idfromdatabse}} then that sql tile will be clickable and you can get to the exact url to update the cmdb.


Parameterised URL you say? Superb!

It is like magic :smiley: