Can this product be used to view connected management groups

I’m looking for an easier way to display data to a NOC team; specifically multiple management groups without having to constantly refreash or click on view connected MG alerts.


In terms of multiple Management Groups, there are some options for this, albeit Squared Up is licensed and installed per SCOM MG (due to SCOM SDK limitations) rather than a single instance being able to connect to multiple MGs

Typically, you would deploy an instance of SQUP per MG and choose to have one of those as your main/master view, then use the iframe plugin to embed content from another Squared Up deployment (ie. a different MG) into those Squared Up dashboards.

Does that make sense?

You can read more about how to set that up here -

You may also find this blog by Tao Yang helpful too;

Both of those blogs are written for Squared Up v2 (current version is v3, which includes some substantial changes) but the broad guidance still all applies.

If you have (or request) a trial license for Squared Up, it’s valid for activations against up to 3 MGs, so you can test out this solution for yourself

I’ve not connected management groups before.

What level of info can you see in the local management group from the connected ones? Can you see performance information, alerting, objects etc? Or is it literally just alerts?