Custom Labelling - PKI expiring certificates


I’d like to create a custom label for expiring certificates group (Fig1) using the PKI Certification MP that not only shows the name of the cert expiring but also the information you get from executing the run tasks in Fig2.

So I want a custom label which shows the cert properties Cert Name, NotAfter, and DaysValid as shown in Fig2

Is this possible?





is this answer any use?

(note – it’s Dgallay’s answer to my similar question – he/she should get the credit)

There’s no current way to make sortable columns in the State View, but you can include those attributes in the object label. For example, for the PKI certificate state, if you wanted to show the Cert name, Valid From and Valid To like this:

You would use this custom label:

{{DisplayName}} | {{CertValidFrom}} | {{CertValidTo}}

dgallay answered 12 Apr, 2016

See answer


Cloud Foundry custom PKI certificates are not available when using Java 9 or 10 to Cloud Foundry custom PKI certificates are not available when using Java 9,10 or 11 or for the printer related help visit andd you will get the help.

[Moderation: moved answer by neilhallyburton 21 Apr, 2016 to comment]
Fantastic, just what I was needing. Works perfectly. Give yourself and Dgallay a +1 Rep :slight_smile: