How Can I Decrease Content of "Logical Disk % Free" Name Label?

From FQDN to NetBIOS Name\Or Similar with the Disk Drive Letter.

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You can actually change the name settings of every performance label.

I had a similar question a few weeks back, and the answer is the same.

  1. Open the XML file for the dashboard you wish to edit in a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad ++. The name of the XML file can be see in the URL when viewing the dashboard.
The XML files for your published dashboards can be found here:


The XML files for your draft dashboards can be found in the individual users profile folder:


  1. Locate the section detailing the performance graph you are interested in <Plugin>Performance</Plugin> and add a new <NameValueSetting> section like the following to the <Settings> section:




The properties available to use in the <Value> section are listed below and must be placed within mustaches like this {{ManagedEntityDisplayName}}:










Value (bar chart only)

Max (graph/sparkline only)

Min (graph/sparkline only)


  1. Save the XML file and refresh your dashboard in Squared Up to check the labels are as required.
In your case, I am thinking that you need to use the ManagedEntityName, and this will display your netbios name.

Let me know if you need an example also

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I assume that you are trying to change the display names from “server1.domain.local / C:” to “server1 / C:” in the Performance Plugin.

It is possible to do this within the XML.

  1. Open the dashboard XML file (Located by default in "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SquaredUpv2\Configuration\Views")
  2. Locate the section that represents your performance graph in the dashboard
  3. Add this new value to the settings:
    	<Value>{{ManagedEntityPath.split('.').slice(0, -2).join('.')}} / {{ManagedEntityDisplayName}}</Value>
This removes the domain name from the FQDN. Assuming that your server names follow the format "server1.domain.local" or "" etc.

Thanks for the split trick, I haven’t seen that before. I can replace a lot of IF statements I’ve been using with that.