Add SquaredUp Cloud Dashboard to Microsoft Teams

Many of us rely on Microsoft Teams for daily collaboration, so why not bring our most important SquaredUp Cloud dashboards into the Teams? By adding a dashboard as a tab in a Teams channel, you can keep everyone in the loop without needing to switch apps.

  • First enable sharing for the desired SquaredUp Cloud dashboard and keep the shared link handy.

  • Go to Teams, access the specific channel where you want to add the website.
  • Click on the “+” icon at the top of the channel to add a new tab.
  • From the list of available options, select “Website”.
  • Provide the shared dashboard’s URL.
  • Give the tab a name that will be displayed in the channel.
  • Click “Save” to add the website as a tab.

That’s it! Your team can now easily access your critical dashboard right within MS Teams.