Anyone know how to format date/time with SQL query away from "RaisedDateTime"?

When I run a sql query against the DW db the time shows up correctly. However, when I paste the same query into Squared Up I see the format below. Does anyone know why and how to change it to the proper date/time?

Also, it’d be awesome to parse out a lot of the extra text shown below as I really don’t need this.




Hi, you can format the raisedDateTime by navigating to grid columns in your tile options, and enter {{timeago(value, true)}} as your custom template for raisedDateTime:

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Yeah!!! Thank you.


Also, do you know if there is a way to parse out portions of a description? For example, say I didn’t need the first 20 or so characters because I really just care about the username and caller computer name. Can you use a template to remove some of the text?


If the alert context is always the same format (like the lockouts above) you could use split


{{Split.value(“Subject:”)[2]}} would give you everything after Subject: for instance

oh one more thing… if you look at displayname you see the server names cut off. Is there any way to configure that column so you don’t have to click on the ellipse to expand the row to see the complete server name?

