We enabeled SSO/windows authentication yesterday. This morning i noticed that our wall monitors displayed a login box. These screens display a few squaredup open access dashboards, which with forms authentication just worked.
The computer running these screens is using firefox, adding squaredup url to the FF config makes the user authenticate.
No license are being used.
We encountered the same problem when we activated Windows Authentication, and the solution for us was to verify the authorization-rules in web.config. Try changing your web.config to resemble something similar to this (the most important rule to verify anonymous access to would be for the path “OpenAccess”):
Have you checked whether you have anonymous authentication disabled on your Squared Up server? This needs to be enabled in order to bypass authentication. I disabled this as a test and received the same issue as you described above. You can check this via:
Do you allow anonymous to “Content” and “Scripts” as well? If you check what sources the browser access when you open a OA dashboard it should be all three folders.
Whichever authentication you have enabled i.e. windows or forms make sure that you have anonymous enabled as well as this bypasses authentication for open access.