Looking into using AWS Enhanced Monitoring for using SCOM to monitor machines in the AWS Cloud. Due to how our licensing is currently set up we can not deploy the SCOM agent to cloud based machines only on premise machines. So my question is what will that do for me in the way of monitoring what kind of data would I get back and what would happen with any recovery scripts I had in place etc.
SCOM can do agentless monitoring. The feature exists since 2007 and with 1807 still usable. - More on: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/system-center/scom/manage-agentless-monitoring?view=sc-om-1807
It states:
System Center Operations Manager can gather performance and availability data on a computer that does not have an agent installed by using a proxy agent that is installed on another computer. Use agentless-monitoring of computers when it is not possible or desirable to install an agent on a computer.
An agentless-managed computer is a Windows-based computer that is discovered by using the Operations console. You assign a management server or agent-managed computer to provide remote (proxy) agent functionality for the computers.Agentless-managed computers are managed as if there is an agent installed on them. Not all management packs work in agentless mode. For more information, see the documentation for the management packs you are running.
I guess that recovery & diagnostic will not work. Also client tasks will not do I assume.
Have a trial and share y our experience please
Thanks Ruben you are saying a lot of the same things I said to my supervisor yesterday. I know AWS has enhanced monitoring you can turn on for an additional cost and we are wondering what it would buy us.