Citrix Logon Simulator

Getting the following error in the log when running from the management pack -

[07/15/2016 14:16:37.785]: Exception caught by script
[07/15/2016 14:16:37.800]: Method invocation failed because [mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass] does not contain a method named ‘querySelector’.
[07/15/2016 14:16:37.816]: At D:\Monitoring\Citrix\Scripts\Test-CitrixApp.ps1:163 char:5

  • $internetExplorer.Document.querySelector(“html”).outerHTML | Out-File -FileP …

when manually running it completes successfully.


It looks like this particular error might be masking another error. This error comes from trying to capture the StoreFront content when an error occurs.

Try editing the Test-CitrixApp.ps1 script and replacing the following:

function Write-SFContent {
  $sfContentPath = $($LogFilePath.TrimEnd('\') + "\sfcontent.html")
  $internetExplorer.Document.querySelector("html").outerHTML | Out-File -FilePath $sfContentPath


function Write-SFContent {
  try {
    $sfContentPath = $($LogFilePath.TrimEnd('\') + "\sfcontent.html")
    $internetExplorer.Document.querySelector("html").outerHTML | Out-File -FilePath $sfContentPath
  catch {
    Write-ToSFLauncherLog "Exception caught capturing SF content"
    $_.ToString() | Write-ToSFLauncherLog
    $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage | Write-ToSFLauncherLog

This will hopefully reveal what the underlying error is.

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80080005 Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE)).

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What version of Internet Explorer are you currently using? Are you using IE8 to run this?

IE 11 it ruining on server 2012 R2 user has full admin on the box.