Want to dashboard data from Microsoft Graph, then you can use the Web API data source to display that data in SquaredUp Cloud.
Configuring the Web API data source to connect to Microsoft Graph via OAuth2 can be done as follows: (You’ll need to supply the Token URL, a Client ID & Client Secret)
You’re now ready to start creating that dashboard. Here’s an example tile configuration using the Web API data source :
- Select the ‘HTTP Request’ Data Stream
- Select the Web API data source that you created for connecting to Microsoft Graph
- In the Parameters section, this is where you specify your Endpoint path (In the example below, we’re querying the Groups Endpoint) and choose the HTTP method ‘GET’ in this case.
NOTE: If you add the search term to the Endpoint path, for example:
so in this case it just returns groups that contain the word ‘Azure’ in the displayName, you may receive a ‘400 - Bad Request’ error. This is because the Microsoft Graph query engine uses an index store to fulfil advanced query requests against certain directory objects, these advanced queries aren’t available by default. You’ll need to click on the ‘Add new header’ button in the Parameters section of the tile configuration and add the following:
More information can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/aad-advanced-queries
Your Endpoint path with the search query will now return the desired results: