Default Teams\Server Dashboard for Win2019

We are trying to create a dashboard exclusive to the 2019 OS using the default dashboard(s) under Teams -> Server. As the basic OS\Server objects in SCOM for OS 2016\2019 share a common base, we have been unable to break out 2019 servers using groups to correctly populate the server name and performance data. Is there a work around or better way to generate a dashboard functionally the same as the defualts for 2008, 2012, & 2016?

Screen below of best dashboard using a group containing ‘window server’, ‘computer’, or ‘Windows operating system’ objects from scom


When you are scopeing for the correct class, you can use the “OSVersion” criteria.

Look at the documentation for more information :

I can only get the criteria to work with the ‘Windows Server Operating System’ Class, but I have not tested it fully :slight_smile:

It depends on what the class the property is discovered against. You may also run into issues when finding metrics against the class you scope to. You may be better off creating a dynamic group in SCOM that populates based on the class and criteria mentioned above and using this to scope tiles. (1.77 KB)