We monitor alot of custom applications in our SCOM-environment and as most of the apps don’t have the complexity needed only a few of them modelled using the distributed application designer (DAD). Apart from that we have a internally developed web portal which funtion as a CMDB, Documentation system, knowledge base and a customer portal.
This internal web solution/portal are querying SCOM (and other software) for server status etc. What we now want to do is to display alerts and status for applications. For now all application components are put in to groups, but there are alot of groups and only a few of them are “applications”. Using a naming context for the groups which in fact are applications is’nt exactly water tight and poeople tend to do wrong things. Is there any other way we can define objects as an application other than using DAD or a strict naming context for groups?
You can add a property to all of your server, this property can contain your application details. The property can be filled automatically by a discovery.
Then create groups in a sealed MP and add the server with the specific property dynamic to the group.
Because the MP is sealed nobody can add server manually.
If you created custom management packs using Visual Studio you would create individual / specific custom classes for applications and their components - Was your custom monitoring configured within the console? Or Was it done via Visual Studio?
SCOM will create a whole bunch of GUIDS for your custom monitoring which may be able to be referenced, however it would be a big task to define each component and it’s GUID.
Most management packs are created throug mpauthor or mpstudio, some in VSEA, but it’s custom classes for the application it self. But some services/applications uses objects from other management packs, IE: IIS or SQL. This makes it even more complex.
That is an option, but it will give the windows server state, and not only the application/service object, so a bit on the side from what we are looking to accomplish. On the other hand, I do plan to create properties for all serves based on values set in CMDB, but not to show application status.