Display a text tile with properties on a dashboard


I’m trying to display the FSMO roles on an Active Directory Dashboard. The Monitored Entity Perspective shows this information in a text tile. How can I implement the text tile on a dashboard ?


Hi Nick, Here is something that I have done that works for us...

Create a Status Icon, Scope to Group ‘AD Domain Controller Group (Windows Server 2008 and above’. Add the following Custom labelling…

{{displayName}} | {{#if path.indexOf(properties.schemaMaster) < 0 }} {{else}} <strong>Schema Master</strong> {{/if}} | {{#if path.indexOf(properties.domainNamingMaster) < 0 }} {{else}} <strong>Domain Naming Master</strong> {{/if}} | {{#if path.indexOf(properties.pdcEmulator) < 0 }} {{else}} <strong>PDC Emulator</strong> {{/if}} | {{#if path.indexOf(properties.ridMaster) < 0 }} {{else}} <strong>RID Master</strong> {{/if}} | {{#if path.indexOf(properties.infrastructureMaster) < 0 }} {{else}} <strong>Infrastructure Master</strong>{{/if}


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Thanks already!

Already seems promising, however we have a lot of domain controllers so this shows all domain controllers without display name and in the list some of the dc’s holding FSMO roles


Hi, I worked around this by doing it through a SQL Tile

Hi Nick, super, glad you found a working solution. Interested in learning more about how you leveraged the SQL tile to display the data set.

Smart! :slight_smile:

You can also display properties using the Matrix tile: https://youtu.be/DqOmikXZ5ZY