Display which management pack caused alert

Is there a way we could display which management pack cause the alert when sending out an alert. We would like to include this on he emails going out for the alert


Quick thought suggests you can update one of the custom fields of the alerts using a Powershell script and then include that field in the notifications. You can use the command notification channel to update the field automatically, but it MIGHT delay the notifications a little bit and/or work intermittently - worth a try though.

Hope that helps.


It depends how you are sending out alerts. If you are using the built-in email field, then no. If you are using a command channel, then yes, easy.

Have a look at the example email notification here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/tysonpaul/2014/08/04/scom-enhanced-email-notification-script-version-2-1/

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We use Orchestrator for Alert Notifications, gives you way more flexibility in what goes out and who it goes to.

I have used scripts like that in past and it did not scale well

Maybe you can try this enhanced email notification here by Tyson:

I have used the enhanced email notification script in the past. The biggest issue I ran into was if you had too many people getting the alert windows did not handle it too well. Been a few years so I dont recall the exact error message I got.

Okay, maybe this time we can try to tune it better and see any errors that we can fix. Unfortunately this is the only solution I know about this.
Keep us posted!

We are in the process of bring up an Orchestrator environment to user with SCOM

That’s great, you can do a lot with it, I create advanced recoveries there too.

The ReadMe.txt included with the Enhanced email script includes instructions on how to increase the Asynchronous process limit. The default is pretty low and this tweak will improve performance significantly.

4)You should increase your max asynchronous process limit for Powershell on the management servers in the Notifications Resource Pool.
You can run the following code from an elevated Powershell console on your SCOM management servers to create the required registry key.
Then restart the mgmt servers:

#######  Copy/paste the code BELOW into an elevated Powershell console on your SCOM management servers #######

$regKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey(([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]"LocalMachine"),'.');
[string]$KeyName="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Modules\Global\Command Executer";
$subKey = $regKey.OpenSubKey($keyName,$true);
$subKey.SetValue("AsyncProcessLimit", 25,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord); 

#######  Copy/paste the code ABOVE into an elevated Powershell console on your SCOM management servers #######