Has anyone figured a way to create a dynamic dashboard to point to servernames?
so the idea is that you could browse to https://squaredup/%servername%
I realise you can do this with the SCOMId but it isn’t usable for non SCOM users
Has anyone figured a way to create a dynamic dashboard to point to servernames?
so the idea is that you could browse to https://squaredup/%servername%
I realise you can do this with the SCOMId but it isn’t usable for non SCOM users
You can use the following in the URL to navigate to an object by it’s name:
This defaults to DisplayName. If you want to use another property, simply specify it with:
You can refine the search further by specifying a class ID. For example, this will show you the Windows Computer object:
If the property is added using a specific class, then you must specify the class ID for that class
You must be on v3.4.2 or above for this functionality.
More info: