Hi Guys!
I have a one liner script that is supposed to query certain user account locked out alerts in the last 12-hours, every time I run the command, it does not return the locked out alert for that certain user in the last 3 hours, actually the behavior is the same for any user that I query.
For example, if I run the script at 1:00:PM, it will only return data up to 10:00AM in the morning.
I think the issue is global because even for other alert, if I query using the same script, the result is the same.
What I would like to achieve is display all alerts for this user up to the current date/time, within the 12 hours period.
Below is my one liner script:
Get-SCOMAlert -Criteria āResolutionState = ā0ā AND CustomField1 like āJohn.Doeā ā | where {$.TimeAdded -gt (Get-Date).addhours(-12)} | Select @{Name=āDateā;Expression={$.TimeAdded}},@{Name=āUsernameā;Expression={$.CustomField1}},@{Name=āAccountLockedOutSourceā;Expression={$.CustomField2}}