Group By {{custom field}}

I realise there is no way to group status tile by a custom field in the UI, but I was hoping I could achieve this in the script itself.

This particular one is for web availability monitoring. Default looks like this:

{{ “_type”: “tile/status”, “config”: { “context”: {}, “source”: { “scope”: { “groupId”: “b4db2dc3-eacb-3815-1c82-9d4736d4b0df”, “classId”: “8e5cb3e8-3a88-4301-a703-553772fe72dd”, “criteria”: “” }, “extendedProperties”: true, “alerts”: true }, “display”: { “label”: “custom”, “sublabel”: “healthstatesummary”, “group”: { “property”: “healthState”, “order”: “desc” }, “customLabel”: “{{properties.context}}” } }, “title”: “”, “description”: “”}


I was hoping I could set like this:

“group”: { “group”: { “property”: “{{properties.context}}”, “order”: “desc” },

But it doesn’t work.


Anyone know if I can achieve what I’m trying to do…?



Hi, did you ever find a way to do this?


You’re able to do this by editing the JSON, however you won’t need to use the curly brackets ({{}}) as per your example – you just need to specify the name of the property, e.g. isAvailable or properties.categoryName .

For example:

	"_type": "tile/status-block",
	"config": {
		"context": {},
		"source": {
			"scope": {
				"groupId": "603c9394-cbf5-a5d1-be77-45c0d6755902"
			"stepSummary": ""
		"display": {
			"label": "name",
			"columns": 5,
			"height": 5,
			"fontsize": 5,
			"sublabel": "healthstatesummary",
			"group": {
				"property": "properties.categoryName",
				"order": "asc"
	"description": "",
	"title": ""

Thanks, that worked for the status block. Trying to get this to work with the status donut…

See my example above.