Health rollup configuration issue - ops mgr 2012 self maintenance



I have created this map, (fig 1), by adding all branch office servers into groups, one for each country where we have offices, then I have used the “configure health rollup” task in the “Ops manager 2012 self maintenance” management pack to configure health rollup. My problem is that two of the countries go red, but with noe alert that I can make sense of. When I click on the country in question, the three servers at that site are green (fig 2) and the health explorer in scom gives me similar sounding alert messages that I do not understand(fig 3). What is the “UINamspace…” error referring to? Is this related to the “configure health rollup” task and the “Ops Manager 2012 Self Maintenance Pack”? Has anyone had a similar issue when configuring health rollup? I have tried to set the group in MM and also to “Reset Health” in the scom console, but the state of the group has not changed. I have not tried to delete the group and recreate it, which is an option of course.

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Which version of the “Ops Manager 2012 Self Maintenance Pack” management pack have you installed?

It is Version

For the roll-ups which are not working as expected have you tried deleting one of them and then manually creating one to see if the health state is due to how it is created?

Hi, did you figure this out. I am just wondering, Do you have multiple managment packs with the same name, and different displayname?

Actually the issue just disappeared…