How to create a dashboard with links to management tools

Hi guys,

I have been searching for an application dashboard that has links to all management consoles in our environment. I have tried and tested almost all known options available on the interweb but have yet to find the perfect solution. The closest I have gotten to a “perfect” solution was with Heimdall Application Dashboard. I was about to call it quits when I realized that this might be doable with our SquaredUp.

I therefore created a new dashboard and tried to add these links in a web content tile. A few things that posed a challenge right away were 1. no ability to add an icon to url’s 2. my lack of html knowledge.

These tiles are what I came up with so far:

And this is what I am trying to replicate:

Am I wasting my time or is there any chance, small or complicated as it may be, to achieve this in SquaredUp?

This is what I am trying to replicate:

Hello Atadi,

Yes, this is possible with SquaredUp with a little bit of HTML coding and the Web Content tile.

Here is the basic HTML you need to achieve the results you want (indented for readability):

<a href="">
  <table style="width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #3e4245;">
        <td style="width: 30%; text-align: center;">
          <img src="c:\website\images\icon1.png" alt="Embedded Image description" width="100%" />
        <td style="width: 55%; text-align: left;">
          <h1><span style="color: #ffffff;">Mgmt Tool Dashboard</span></h1>
        <td style="width: 15%; text-align: center;">
        	<img src="c:\website\images\arrow.png" alt="Click here to go to management tool" width="32" />

Use one Web Content tile per management tool.

Be sure to update the following:

  • The HTTPS address for the management tool.
  • The source destination of the icon for the management tool. You can either put it in a shared directory within your website or you can convert the images to Base64 (which is what I did).
  • Create your own arrow image.
  • Update the descriptions for Screen Readers

When you are finished, your dashboard should look like this:

Here is the same dashboard in Dark Mode:

As I alluded to above, I have a working version of this dashboard. Let me know if would like a copy and I will private message it to you. I’m not posting it here because I converted all of the icons to Base64 and that makes for some very ugly-looking JSON!



It’s working, sort of. Only one tiny thing I need to confirm.
What is the correct <img src= entry needed if I have created the following folder structure that contains the .png images?


So far I’ve tried <img src=“Custom/Logos/Cloudflare.png” and
img src=“file:///C:/inetpub/wwwroot/SquaredUpv5/Custom/Logos/Cloudflare.png”

but they don’t seem to work.

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The folder will likely be removed when you upgrade SquaredUp. Place your Custom\Logos folder in wwwroot instead of inside the SquaredUp directory.

Then you just need to use \Custom\Logos\Cloudflare.png


Excellent! That did it.
Thanks for the swift reply.

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