This view uses the Matrix tile and you can actually grab the json from your own instance (assuming you have an EAM license or a trial) and I've placed some details below.
I will add though, that this against the Windows Server class will only show you availability, not performance, as this is what the SLO targets (how to check config of SLO:
You would need to create your own SLO in SCOM to track the other categories, which you would then need to break out into their own matrix tiles. This is not typically something an exec would want to see (too much information).
Create an SLO in SCOM:
This sort of dashboard is best suited to applications, rather than something as broad as the server class.
The dashboard itself can be found on the navigation bar > Applications > Availability Report, or by searching in the global search box for the dashboard name.
Alternatively, I’ve placed the json below:
"_type": "celltile/text",
"config": {
"display": {
"cellWidth": "20%",
"contentTemplate": "{{displayName}}"
"title": "Name"
"_type": "celltile/timeseriesblocks",
"config": {
"display": {
"cellWidth": "25%",
"fullWidth": true
"source": {
"monitorIds": [
"timeframe": {
"range": "Last30Days",
"type": "fixed"
"title": "History (Last 30 days)"
"_type": "celltile/status-block",
"config": {
"display": {
"labelTemplate": "<div style='font-size:1rem'>{{#if healthState === 'Success'}}Healthy{{elseif healthState === 'Uninitialized'}}No health{{else}}Unhealthy{{/if}} <core-timeago withoutSuffix='true' value='{{stateLastModified}}' prefix='true' /></div>"
"title": "Current Status"
"_type": "celltile/sla",
"config": {
"source": {
"sloId": "b2ef6aec-bd2e-4740-aa7e-acbf3e7ae913",
"timeframe": {
"range": "Last24Hours",
"type": "fixed"
"title": "24 Hours SLA"
"_type": "celltile/sla",
"config": {
"source": {
"sloId": "b2ef6aec-bd2e-4740-aa7e-acbf3e7ae913",
"timeframe": {
"range": "Last7Days",
"type": "fixed"
"title": "7 Day SLA"
"_type": "celltile/sla",
"config": {
"source": {
"sloId": "b2ef6aec-bd2e-4740-aa7e-acbf3e7ae913",
"timeframe": {
"range": "Last30Days",
"type": "fixed"
"title": "30 Day SLA"
Matrix tile docs: