Hybrid Monitoring


We currently have an on prem 2019 SCOM setup which will soon be 2022.

Like many businesses we have an increasing footprint in Azure.

The question is how should be monitor Azure components? I know MS have some management packs for it but I am not sure how capable they are? Should we be using Azure monitor and is there any integration to SCOM with it? We want to retain the ‘single pain of glass’ concept as much as we can if plausible or is SquaredUp in the cloud the answer?

I can’t quite get my head around what hybrid businesses do and MS seem clueless when I asked them!

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Depends how your Azure estate looks like. Your IaaS components fit nicely in scom. The Azure management packs can take care of some of the PaaS components ( eg Azure databases etc.) However as soon as you go beyond that it would require some custom work. If you can work with your developer team during the development for your apps there are plenty of options to get monitoring data in Scom to retain your single source of truth for your pane of glass
I tried integrating scom with OMS at two customers but it is very particular about your outbound Internet connection. Your mileage may vary