Loadbalancer.org in SCOM

I wonder if someone is running Loadbalancer.org appliance servers in VMware?

If so, how do you monitor them with SCOM?

We have tried different approaches:

  • Syslog - No good logs that we can find
  • SNMP - Tried Daniel Grandinis approcah with Kemp Loadbalancer without success. https://nocentdocent.wordpress.com/2014/10/30/kemp-loadmaster-scom-management-pack-v2/ https://nocentdocent.wordpress.com/2014/06/20/discovering-and-monitoring-snmp-tables-snmp-mp-chap-5-scom-sysctr/

If these devices have SNMP, have you tried configuring network monitoring with SCOM? I have seen KEMP’s monitored in SCOM using standard network monitoring without custom management packs.

You’ll have to ensure that SNMP is configured on the device, but you should then be able to set up network monitoring within SCOM provided you already have the standard network monitoring MPs.

Brief overview of what’s supported by SCOM: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh212728(v=sc.12).aspx

Guide on how to set up network discovery: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh278846(v=sc.12).aspx

You’ll need to create a Run As Account for the SNMP community string, though this is included in the network discovery guide above – Little tip: Label it as concisely as possible. I’ve seen environments where the phrase “community string” was used for multiple run as accounts and it was a nightmare to figure out which was which!

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Well actually we are looking to extend the monitoring beyond native SCOM network monitoring (which we can achieve without problem). So basically we are trying to figure out which OIDs are used for virtual servers as well as real servers (see Daniel Grandinis example in my post above) and that doing our own custom Management Pack, For this SNMP tables need to be used and thats the thing I cant get working.