Logical Disk Matrix Tile

I have a matrix dashboard setup for disk space. (as shown)

Is there anyway I could have a column showing the exact space that is remaining? It appears there are no alert properties for this, but I’m wondering if there is some type of work around. I’ve gotten this to work when using the celltile/bar type as shown below, but I’m hoping to get this working under the celltile/text type.

You could use SCOM Performance as Sparkline

“_type”: “celltile/scomperf-as-sparkline”,
“config”: {
“display”: {
“valueTemplate”: “{{( value ? (100 - Math.round(value)) : 0 )}}”
“source”: {
“countername”: “% Free Space”,
“objectname”: “LogicalDisk”
“transforms”: [
“operator”: “group”,
“parameters”: {
“keys”: [
“operator”: “merge”,
“parameters”: {
“sourceKey”: “id”,
“targetKey”: “key.managedEntityId”
“title”: “% Free Space (Latest value)”
“title”: “Free Megabytes (Latest value)”,
“_type”: “celltile/scomperf-as-sparkline”,
“config”: {
“source”: {
“objectname”: “LogicalDisk”,
“countername”: “Free Megabytes”
“display”: {
“labelTemplate”: “{{ ( value ? Math.round(value) + ’ MB’ : ‘-’ ) }}”
“transforms”: [
“operator”: “group”,
“parameters”: {
“keys”: [
“operator”: “merge”,
“parameters”: {
“sourceKey”: “id”,
“targetKey”: “key.managedEntityId”


As an extension to the above from Peter. You could use the “height” and “width” display properties for the scomperf-as-sparkline celltile to then essentially hide the sparkline.

“_type”: “celltile/scomperf-as-sparkline”,
“config”: {
“display”: {
“height”: 0.1,
“width”: 0.1,
“labelTemplate”: “{{ ( value ? Math.round(value) + ‘MB’ : ‘-’ ) }}”

“source”: {
“countername”: “Free Megabytes”,
“objectname”: “LogicalDisk”