Hey everyone I am new here to SquaredUp and am looking for inspiration from the community on dashboarding ideas, what features have been wins and losses for your organization using SquaredUp, and any ideas around the new Powershell tile.
Hey everyone I am new here to SquaredUp and am looking for inspiration from the community on dashboarding ideas, what features have been wins and losses for your organization using SquaredUp, and any ideas around the new Powershell tile.
Hi @cooka3
we could team up - I have plenty ideas but lacking of time
My plan for the PowerShell tile is to build boards for all Apps / Systems that would like to monitor which can only be integrated into SCOM with custom management pack authoring.
Another idea is to get meta-data from servers into their dashboards. - Our asset-management-system offers a GraphAPI which can be queried will with PowerShell.
So for instance I would like to show:
Last idea was showcasing this to other teams by just quering information in Active Directory. - Counts of users and details about locked or inactive users or perhaps some Win7 machines that are still living somewhere …
As querying takes time I would run some scheduled tasks on the server and just read the output of the files with the PowerShell tile to have fast responses.
Last: Did you see SquaredUp Life? They good brain food
Depending on your role and your organisation, you could go to some of the existing, and potential, consumers of scom alerts and ask them what information/dashboards would make their lives better?
Some very simple dashboards can make a huge difference to some groups. Even something as simple as the health state of their specific servers that they can check each morning, with a list of current alerts on those that are not green.
If there are a large number of users, investigate publishing them as open access dashboards, and also displaying them on their devices/smart phones.
20% effort in creating the dashboards will give them 80% of the gains. So getting 10 simple dashboards out to people will have far more bang for the buck than 1 brilliant complex dashboard.