I’m trying to set this up and having a hard time finding these counters in SUP. For example, I’m getting the Exchange ones as part of the Exchange objects via the Exchange MP, but can’t seem to find the ones in this article:
I’d like to set up a grouping of sorts in a dashboard for each of the sets:
Exchange Domain Controller Connectivity Counters
Then list these out in a dash:
MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read Time
MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Search Time
MSExchange ADAccess Processes(*)\LDAP Read Time
MSExchange ADAccess Processes(*)\LDAP Search Time
Then have one for Processor and Process Counters and so on…
I can’t seem to find out how to locate the MSExchange ADAccess…etc in Squared Up quick find on a performance tile and then in advanced I’m kinda lost there even further.
Any ideas?