We have all servers proxy setting ON.
SCOM Mgmnt Servers and Lync Servers are in the same domain.
Have one Lync Server in DMZ and this is reporting in SCOM via certificates.
All Lync Servers are reporting into SCOM as normal windows computers.
Problem is the same old nothing is showing up in the Lync 2013 MP Servers view.
Have added the NETWORK SERVICE account to the following local groups on the DMZ server:
RTC Component Local RTC Local Administrators
Then restart the System Center Management service.
No errors on the Mgmt Server nor the DMZ server event logs.
The Lync MP is a pain to setup and that is before you even get to the watcher nodes.
You appear to have done the correct group additions that aren’t in the documentation; is there any information in the Operations Manager event logs about Lync Discoveries? Even successful ones? Or if you go to the servers and look in the health
If I understand correctly then no Lync servers are showing up?? Or is it just the edge server?
Are there any alerts in SCOM (under monitoring) of failed discoveries for Lync?
And if you go to one of the Lync servers and drill down through the following:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Management Packs