Management Pack for SquaredUp Monitoring

Hi Guys,

I have been thinking, if there is someone out there, that have built a management pack for monitoring the Squared Up installation ?

i am primary thinking of :

  • Performance monitoring
  • License expiration
  • Login test.
  • Website availability
  • etc..
If none have made this yet, I want to built one myself and publish it for the community.

Please give some feedback :slight_smile:


I have had a busy couple of months, but lately we have build a performance rule, that checks the number of used licenses.

The check for the website server etc is not that hard.

But finding out a way, to check the expiration of the license, that is tricky :slight_smile:

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Great idea Skovsen, keen to see how you get on with that!

Bump! How did you get on with this?

Hey, a couple of updates for you on this. We have another client interested in doing this, so would suggest we connect the two of you if you’re up for that. Secondly, we’ll be surfacing license expiry warnings in the product shortly (v3.3) so that may then be less of a concern for you.

Hi, Sounds great :slight_smile:
We haven’t been looking at it so much the last couple of months, very very busy.
But it could be interesting to hook up with another client to do this.
Please give them my contact info, and we can set up a meeting .

Hello, just joined the Community and saw this topic and wanted to find out if someone had created a Management Pack to monitor SquaredUp?