Is there a way to change the priority of an alert with powershell?
Kind regards,
Is there a way to change the priority of an alert with powershell?
Kind regards,
Hi Luc,
This is something you’d put an override in SCOM to accomplish, find the underlying rule/monitor and override alert priority.
You can create overrides from powershell, more infos and code example here : https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/30714.scom-2012-bulk-override-creation-for-monitors-and-rules-using-powershell.aspx
As CyrAz pointed out, you can do bulk overrides via Powershell, or even simpler, use Cookdown’s Easy Tune to tune it all with GUI.
Thanks Nicole. I know, but I don’t want to do this for each monitor. I want to do this on the fly based on the content of the displayname of the alert and also the path. They want to use this in our ticket system.