Is there a way to monitor Teams performance and availability with SCOM? Be nice to add it to my remote working dashboard.
Hi Peter,
I’ve just used the web url tile to add status pages for all the external services we use such as office 365, zoom etc
Hi Peter A,
I agree to Peter S. Nice has an awesome management pack which monitors all major components in o365 by using synthetic transactions.:
An alternative approach would be monitoring it by using a 3rd party product by NetCor named GeniEnd2End. Its “low level” monitoring based on availability, jitter, package loss etc.
It offers many tests. - Some can be used for TEAMS, too. Via REST API you can integrate the current values into SquaredUp. - I am working currently on this approach …
Nice has a Management Pack for Office365 that includes Teams.
Hi Nicole,
That sounds great!
How did you manage to achieve that? Are you willing to share the information on how to set that up?