Monitor SQL table for errors


I need to monitor a SQL table for any new status failure type descriptions and then raise a SCOM alert.

Abit of background, SCORCH is running some runbooks and then stores the messages in a sql table.

Any ideas on how to do this ?



You have a couple of options here.

  1. Use the inbuilt OLE DB monitoring template:

  1. Use the Community PowerShell monitoring management pack, alongside the Microsoft SQL module

ok thanks. The Powershell monitoring MP looks good. Any chance someone can provide a powershell script to connect to sql and pull out the error messages from the table ?

Something like this should work.
Just modify the query to get the results you want.

$ScomAPI = New-Object -comObject “MOM.ScriptAPI”
$propertybag = “”
$PropertyBag = $ScomAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
$errorhash = “”
$errorhash = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "select errorfieldname from errortablename where errorfieldstatusname=‘Error’ -ServerInstance “sqlservername” -Database “errordatabase”

if ($errorhash -ne “”)





You can also use this managementpack:

If you only wanna raise an alert if there is error messages. You wont see the messages in question but you will get an alert.

ok thanks guys, really appreciate this.

Used the below script and then created a SCOM alert rule based on powershell script. I do not get any data back with details of error message. any ideas ?


$ScomAPI = New-Object -comObject “MOM.ScriptAPI”
$propertybag = “”
$PropertyBag = $ScomAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
$errorhash = “”
$errorhash = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query “select top 1 * from [dbo].[ACTIVITY_TRACE] where Status = ‘failed’ order by ID desc” -ServerInstance “SCOMServer” -Database “PDS”

if ($errorhash -ne “”)




I do get an alert in SCOM but the description part of it is blank. Have used $Data/Context/DataItem/Property[@Name=‘MessageText’]$ and also tried $Data/Context/Property[@Name=‘MessageText’]$.

I know my sql command works as I have tested this on my scom server where sql is also installed.

You mention that you created a SCOM alert rule? Did you mean monitor or is this genuinely a rule?

Are you able to export the xml and sanitise in a way that you don’t expose any sensitive information? If so, post it up here and we can take a look.

If it is a monitor (and that would make sense as you have healthy and unhealthy states) then I would start by hard coding the MessageText e.g.

$PropertyBag.AddValue(“MessageText”,“An error occurred”)

Just to make sure it isn’t some quirk of whatever is returned as $error-hash

$Data/Context/Property[@Name=’MessageText’]$ should then work.



you may also find this thread of interest -

Do you get any alert at all? Does the account that runs the powershellscript have access to the database?
On the alerting tab have you included the following line:

Run the powershellscript as your user and see if you get a result back.