This question is a little bit technical and I hope that I can explain it right.
We want to monitor a lot of rest api’s and I have created a powershell script for this.
In scom I need to target this script to a class and with mpauthor and a fragment from Kevin Holman, I have created a discovery and class based on a file that exist on a linux server where I need to request the rest api. Every powershell monitor that I target to this class is sitting under the same instance of this class, that one linux server.
What I need is one class for each web url that I need to request. How can I create this sub classes, maybe also with mpauthor?
I would store the information about the URLs in a CSV file. Beside of the URL you should also add a Key element that needs to be unique. Use PowerShell “new-guid” for example to get some.
Then, please check the following web site as example. It shows how to discover based on CSV file:
Hi Ruben, Thanks for your answer.
My parent class is a linux servers with a base class of Linux Computer, discovered on the existing of a file on that server (I’ve used a fragment from Kevin Holman for this).
Now I want a class for each url that I have to monitor (restapi) because the powershell monitoring script is different for each. I can create child classes like you do, but what about the discovery of these url’s (objects). How do I do this?