On Prem SCOM plugin in cloud versus Dashboard Server

I’m struggling to answer this myself with the two websites, but can someone explain (potentially like I’m 5) what you lose or gain by running SquaredUp Cloud using the SCOM plugin / relay agents versus running SquaredUp DS on premises.

It looks to me like you keep the visibility and structure, but perhaps not the functionality for task running when on cloud?

If anyone can break this down for me that’d be awesome. Or if I’m missing a table somewhere that actually shows it similar to the pricing level tables, then that’s exactly what I’m looking for.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Jon, Good question - at a high-level DS is best for SCOM, it has features like the ability to move alerts between states, run SCOM tasks, VADA and maintenance mode/ scheduled maintenance mode support (specifically setting and editing) that SquaredUp Cloud does not have.

Cloud is better for a true single pane of glass, it has a large list of integrations spanning on prem and cloud tools.

There is a good case for both tools where both SCOM-focused use cases and a true single pane of glass are important to you, but for this case we have built integrations between the two products so they work seamlessly together

For a more in-depth guide and to see the DS <> Cloud integration in action check out this video:

We have some more in-depth content planned to help explain the differences, which this video is going to be a part of

I hope this helps, but if you still have questions afterwards happy to help answer them.

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Hi Jon

Hopefully Bruce’s video answered your question but if you need more details \ specific scenarios addressed then please let me know (either via DM or in this thread)?

I’ve taken over Bruce’s role at SquaredUp and am keen to make sure we have clear guidance for our customers. E.g. I can do a deep dive on the SCOM integration and compare to DS if you want and give some indicators on when you might want to use one over the other or even use both if you feel it would be useful.

