Oracle Linux (NiCE) Dashboard Pack Version: 1.2, could not be installed properly. The context menu item is visible after installation but the dashboards could not be opened.
We’ve done some testing internally, it seems as though the pack may have been imported already, and the superseding pack is causing issues when trying to upgrade. To resolve this:
- Remove the previous pack from C:\inetpub\wwwroot\squaredupv3\user\packages
- Recycle the application pool
- Import the latest version
I already did the steps 1 and 3 and also at settings->PROFILES(Tab) delete the menu item, and then install again the dashboards, but still nothing. What do you mean with"Recycle the application pool"?
Recycle the SquaredUpv3 application pool within IIS manager. This is a requirement when removing anything from disk as Squared Up caches the contents of all dashboard packs in memory. Once you’ve done this, Squared Up will no longer have the NiCE pack cached.
Still not working. The context menu item is visible after installation but the dashboards could not be opened.