Perfmon reports show Agent is not collecting data

Hi Everyone,

Below is an image of a domain joined host current disk queue length (VEEAM Report Library . As you will note, there is a month ‘gap’ in which the agent has not collected data for our Operations Manager (1807) instance.

Is there a way to determine if an agent is not collecting data? Event IDs?? Agent health was green.

In the Operations Manager Event Log, I note lots of 10102 errors:
In PerfDataSource, could not resolve counter SQLSERVER:Broker Statistics, Enqueued Transport Msgs/sec, . Module will not be unloaded

From my understanding, the only way to resolve is to stop the Microsoft Monitoring Agent, rename the “Health Service State” and restart the service to re-initiate the client (which you can see below).

Any suggestions most appreciated.

We have seen the issue. But the agents have been grey almost every time.

I created a scheduled task that triggered on eventid 4503 in the opsmgrlog and the scheduled task runs this powershell:

Write-host “Stopping SCOM Health Service”
stop-service HealthService
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State”
write-host “Cleaning scom cache folder”
sleep 10
start-service HealthService
write-host “starting SCOM Health Service”
start-service HealthService

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Thanks Jannep, I will give this setting a test.

ooo that’s useful! Have you heard of anyone else doing this?