Looking to soon upgrade one of our platforms from SCOM 2019 to 2022.
At the same time we are looking to collapse our legacy 2012 R2 setup and dual home agents to the new 2022.
There is a handful of legacy systems being monitored by 2012 - some 2008 and a whole bunch of 2012.
While older OSes are not officially supported has anyone tried monitoring 2008 with 2022? I know it is likely to be ok but just curious, the plan would be to stick with 2012 R2 agents to minimise the impact.
I remember at one point (either SCOM 2016 URx or 1801) the core workflows had changed (using Powershell instead of VBScript) and they were incompatible with older OS, but I think that was for 2003-, not 2008.
I’d say to build a 2008 test server, have it join the 2022 MG, see if it blows up and move from there.