SCOM DB Upgrade

HI Team,
Need to perform SCOM DB upgrade from SQL 2014 to SQL 2016.Please let me what are the steps needs to be performed.

If you haven’t looked at it already Bob from TopQuore has done a number of really good sessions on SCOM upgrades for SCOMathon. Here’s the one from 2021:
I think he did one this year as well focused on SCOM 2022.

Similarly Cookdown are now hosting Leon Laudes SCOM related blog posts and have his version of the SCOM 2019 upgrade process here: Upgrading to SCOM 2019 Step-By-Step — Cookdown

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Hi Shekar,
This question seems specific for a SQL upgrade. It just happens to be the box where SCOM db lives on.
So you could use any guide/blog post online which talks about upgrading SQL from 2014 to 2016 (or most versions from 2012 and up to another version of higher than that).
For a single server with a single instance the procedure might be very straight forward, as the SQL install wizard should recognize that you have SQL installed and should ask to upgrade it for you.
Even for clusters its possible to do it this way, but again, follow a procedure which is listed online for sure. On Microsoft docs site or by one of the many SQL MVP’s out there. The procedure doesnt change much between versions, so if you find a good guide from 2014 to 2017 or 2012 to 2016, you should be fine as well.
Just tell everybody SCOM is down for a bit while you upgrade the backend for example to give you maximum flexibility for the procedure (you could turn off the SCOM services on management servers to stop traffic flow to and from database), so it doesnt lock it with traffic.
And make a full backup of the databases before you do it :wink:

Hi Bob,

Thank you for advice. We have successfully upgraded the SQL versions to SQL 2016 in both SCOM DB and DW servers. SCOM application connectivity is also successful.
But we could able to see below alert in the SCOM console after the upgrade.

MSSQL on Windows: Some Database Engine securables are inaccessible
Alert Description:
No access to the following SQL Server securable(s):

  1. Tables:
    • msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules
    • msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases
    • msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases
  2. Stored procedures:
    • sys.xp_readerrorlog