Your original post has some age on it so you may have solved your issue already but I'll post a response anyway so that it might help someone else some day. I tested your snippet with the Show-SCOMPropertyBag function in my SCOMHelper PowerShell module available from PSGallery (info here: ). (shameless plug there, sorry but it's quite relevant here).
Your code seems good when run as me, a local admin on the box. However sometimes you get mixed results, no pun intended, when a workflow runs as the default action account, in this case it is likely LocalSystem on your server.
So now what?
I highly recommend adding a logging function to your scripts. This will make it SOOO much easier to detect when your workflows are running and what they are doing. It makes debugging much easier.
First, I’ll show you a snippet which demonstrates how you could use a logging function in a script.
Second, I’ll show you how to customize this specifically for YOUR monitor scenario above with the SquaredUp Community PowerShell MP monitor wizard. Creating a monitor (or rule or task) with the SquaredUp wizard in the Console you don’t get quite as much artistic freedom as you would if you were authoring an MP the hard way with some other tool like an XML editor or Visual Studio.
Here’s the logging example template:
Name: LogIt
Author: Tyson Paul
Description: A simple way to either do or don't output debugging info to the OpsMan log.
I usually use EventID range 9990-9999 for my scripts.
$msg = "CustomMessage at Line# $(LINE): "
LogIt -EventID $_EventID -Type $critical -Message $msg -Proceed $WriteToEventLog
[Bool]$WriteToEventLog = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($WriteToEventLog)
Function LogIt ([int]$EventID, [int]$Type=2, [string]$Message=“No message specified.”, [int]$Proceed=$false) {
$oEvent = New-Object -comObject ‘MOM.ScriptAPI’
$TimeStamp = (get-date -format “yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss”)
$output = @"
TimeStamp: $TimeStamp
ThisScript: $ThisScript
RunningAs: $(whoami.exe)
Message: $Message
Any errors will appear below:
$($Error | Select * | Out-String)
If ($Proceed) {
Write-Verbose '`n`n-----------------------------------------'
Write-Verbose $output
Write-Verbose '-----------------------------------------'
Function Get-CurrentLineNumber {
New-Alias -Name LINE -Value Get-CurrentLineNumber –Description ‘Returns the current line number in a PowerShell script file.’ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ThisScript = “MyScriptName.ps1”
$Message = "CustomMessage at Line# $(LINE): "
LogIt -EventID 9998 -Type $critical -Message $Message -Proceed $true
Here’s YOUR snippet with logging added…
# UNComment this for testing, force logging activity
[Bool]$WriteToEventLog = $true
Function LogIt ([int]$EventID, [int]$Type=2, [string]$Message="No message specified.", [int]$Proceed=$false) {
$oEvent = New-Object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI'
$TimeStamp = (get-date -format "yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss")
$output = @"
TimeStamp: $TimeStamp
ThisScript: $ThisScript
RunningAs: $(whoami.exe)
Result: $result
Message: $Message
Any errors will appear below:
$($Error | Select * | Out-String)
If ($Proceed) {
Write-Verbose '`n`n-----------------------------------------'
Write-Verbose $output
Write-Verbose '-----------------------------------------'
Function Get-CurrentLineNumber {
New-Alias -Name __LINE__ -Value Get-CurrentLineNumber –Description 'Returns the current line number in a PowerShell script file.' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ThisScript = "MyScriptName.ps1"
$Result = 'N/A'
$Message = "Begin script $($ThisScript) $(__LINE__). "
LogIt -EventID 9990 -Type $critical -Message $Message -Proceed $true
$api = New-Object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI'
$PropertyBag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
LogIt -EventID 9990 -Type $critical -Proceed $true -Message "Getting drives with NET command... $($ThisScript) $(__LINE__): "
$drives = net.exe use | Select-String 'OK', 'Disconnected', 'Unavailable'
if (($drives -match 'Disconnected') -or ($drives -match 'Unavailable')) {
$result = 'FAIL'
LogIt -EventID 9990 -Type $critical -Proceed $true -Message "Drive failure detected $($ThisScript) $(__LINE__): [$($result | Out-String )]"
$result = 'SUCCESS'
LogIt -EventID 9990 -Type $critical -Proceed $true -Message "Drives seem fine. $($ThisScript) $(__LINE__)."
$Message = "End script $($ThisScript) $(__LINE__). "
LogIt -EventID 9990 -Type $critical -Message $Message -Proceed $true
This should allow you to gain some idea of what the script is doing and provide visibility if there are any errors in the script.
My guess is there is something wrong with your condition detection (Healthy vs Unhealthy) criteria. Maybe a typo? Don’t copy/paste from websites. Often times the characters are encoded weird and this can cause a workflow to puke.
Or perhaps when the script runs as LocalSystem the NET USE command is failing. You might also want to wrap your risky commands within a Try/Catch bock(s) to detect unexpected behavior.
Good luck!