SCOM - Prod/Test/Dev

We have various devices we monitor via SCOM - This could be storage, servers, appliances etc. What I’d like to do is create a View in SCOM for PROD/DEV and TEST therefore if a PROD Object alerts the alert will appear in the Prod View etc.

Is there a way to get all parent objects in SCOM?

Once I have the parent object we can create PROD/DEV and TEST SCOM Groups, then associate the object with the correct preferred PROD/DEV and TEST SCOM Group.

I potentially might also want to suppress any alerts that are generated from Test/Dev

Hi Andre,
How are you defining a ‘PROD’ object? Is there any identifier or property (like the server/computer/device name) that indicates the object is associated with ‘PROD / DEV / TEST’ ?

Hi Andre,

You could create a registry key on each server indicating the environment the server belongs to (e.g. HKLM:\System\YourCompanyName and then create a string value/REG_SZ called Environment which can hold the value of PROD, DEV or TEST.

You can then create a new attribute (Authoring Pane -> Management Pack Objects -> Attributes in the Operations Console) to read the contents of your string value/REG_SZ called Environment.

Now, you can create a group for PROD, DEV and TEST and dynamically populate it based on the value of the attribute you created in the aforementioned step.

You can use these groups to populate views, create overrides based on groups etc.
If you want, you can export the unsealed Management Pack you stored this all in and use contained groups to work with parent objects.

Hope this helps,

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Unfortunately there is no way of identifying the devices i.e. whether they are DEV/PROD/TEST. This would be a manual task to populate a SCOM group with the relevant objects, that could be servers, device, appliance etc.

Servers are fairly easy as you could just get all the computer objects via PowerShell then get someone to distinguish the server types, then from that use PowerShell to populate the groups with the computer objects.

I guess I’m just after a way of finding all parent objects for all objects monitored in SCOM. i.e. The Computer Object is the parent object for all types of server OS if that makes sense.

Hi Serge, thank you for this - this is exactly what we implemented this week