the Reporting Scheduling is not working anymore, the report is functional when i open it, it work normally but it doesn’t send the reports on scheduled time and no errors shown also it keep as new subscriptions.
Have you checked the SQL Server Reporting Configuration tool,specifically this setting?
Perhaps your Exchange environment was changed and the reporting server no longer has permissions to send reports. If this isn’t filled in however, the option to e-mail reports should be greyed out.
Check the owner of the job that runs the schedule. It could be that the user that created the job is deleted or not allowed to login. Set it to another user or SA. We had the same issue on a SQL Reporting server.
Anything in the SCOM event log on the management servers? It’s worth checking the SQL Server Reporting Configuration tool. There are a couple of sections in this that will allow you to test the URLs are working as expected. Are you able to access the database via SQL management studio? You can also check the URL via the SCOM Console >
Administration > Settings > Reporting and there’s a URL you can go straight to.