In all the SQL mps, there are the two following Classes:
DB Engine
Can someone please clarify what is the difference between them (if exist…)?
The MP guide isn’t so clear about it…
In all the SQL mps, there are the two following Classes:
DB Engine
Can someone please clarify what is the difference between them (if exist…)?
The MP guide isn’t so clear about it…
Does these chart help?
SQL Server 2012 DB Engine
An installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Database Engine. The database engine hosts databases and other SQL Server components.
SQL Server 2012 DB
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database
But if I´m reading your question right. DB is the database itself. And DB Engine is the SQL server engine?
Hello jannep,
Thanks for the quick answer, very much appreciated.
The chart is also documented in the MP guide, but it’s very crowded and not so understandable.
I’m not familiar with this area of Windows SQL Server,
But as far as i know, DB Enging is the core service/componet in every SQL DB.
So basically DB and DB Engine are the same, am i wrong here?
I can’t tell the difference between those two…
@dgallay thanks for making this subject clear for me
Login required - can you add to the answer?
Which one required login?
DB Engine is the SQL Instance (for example, MSSQL or named instance of the SQL service) – what you connect to in SQL Studio. DB are the actual databases hosted on the DB Engine.