I’m a beginner in Transact-SQL.
Currently I´m trying to create a query that allows me to establish a connection between a group and an alarm in the SCOM DWH.
The goal is to list a specific alarm with members of a specific group.
With this query I can show all alarms with a specific AlertName:
SELECT TOP 100 a.AlertName, me.DisplayName, me.ManagedEntityGuid, a.RaisedDateTime FROM Alert.vAlert AS a Join vManagedEntity AS me ON a.ManagedEntityRowId = me.ManagedEntityRowId Where a.AlertName = 'Failed to connect to Computer' Order BY a.RaisedDateTime DESC
And with this query I can get a list of all groups:
select distinct DisplayName,ManagedEntityRowId from vManagedEntity inner join vRelationship on vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId=vRelationship.SourceManagedEntityRowId inner join vRelationshipType on vRelationship.RelationshipTypeRowId=vRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeRowId inner join vRelationshipManagementGroup on vRelationshipManagementGroup.RelationshipRowId=vRelationship.RelationshipRowId where (vRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeSystemName='Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroupContainsComputer' or vRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeSystemName like '%InstanceGroup%') and vRelationshipManagementGroup.ToDateTime is null order by DisplayName asc
Now I tried to combine both querys but without success.
select DISTINCT me.DisplayName, me.ManagedEntityRowId, a.AlertName, a.RaisedDateTime, me.Path from vManagedEntity AS me join Alert.vAlert AS a on a.ManagedEntityRowId = me.ManagedEntityRowId inner join vRelationship AS rs on me.ManagedEntityRowId=rs.SourceManagedEntityRowId inner join vRelationshipType AS rst on rs.RelationshipTypeRowId=rst.RelationshipTypeRowId inner join vRelationshipManagementGroup AS vrsm on vrsm.RelationshipRowId=rs.RelationshipRowId where (rst.RelationshipTypeSystemName='Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroupContainsComputer' or rst.RelationshipTypeSystemName like '%InstanceGroup%') and vrsm.ToDateTime is null order by DisplayName asc
I get a result but not that what I want to have…
Any ideas?