SquaredUp anomolies

The attachment shows some anomalies we have seen and had reported. Has anyone seen or experienced similar issues ? Will an upgrade to SquaredUp potentially resolve some of these issues ? Any feedback welcomed.

Here’s an extract from the word doc (less images) - any thoughts :
Some reported anomalies by end users
Squared up is not reporting SCOM alerts accurately.
Alerts are sometimes delayed, inaccurate or not showing on the overview page.
This has been apparent for various AAAA devices today and they will not self clear.

Will SquaredUp version 4.0 address these sorts of issues ?
Squaredup is permanently showing orange ! even when all doors and temp sensors working fine

I have powered off and on unit and this has not cleared the yellow !

When we powered off the unit, squared up did not go red X as expected

Squaredup only went red X when it was restarted


Will SquaredUp version 4.0 address these sorts of issues ?
Closed ports on the switches XXXX-SWCH-03-1 and 03-2, this caused workstations
to go off the air.
SCOM failed to raise an alarm.
SCOM did know that the workstations were off line.

Will SquaredUp version 4.0 address these sorts of issues ?
Squared Up Dashboard
Within the Detailed App Dashboard we have a number of critical agents being reported. The event is being reported from the Health Service Watcher (Agent). If you go to the following dashboard you can see the agents affected in detail.
It is unknown when the issue occurred.
If you go to Administration-> Managed Agents on the SCOM Server all agents seem to be healthy.

The health watcher agent is currently clear and managed agents healthy. The discrepancy raised in the ticket seems to have cleared by the system but after a very long delay (days).
Two critical “No Ping” alerts from different devices but Panels appearing differently - one shows critical (red) with 'No Ping reply" text) the other shows Green with standby icon in bottom left corner

This was answered by RB in another post:



Can you re-add the attachment (edit the question)? Please can you describe the “anomalies” with more detail?

Looking for a way to upload a word doc (not sure I can). I’ll have to upload individual images in that case, please check again later

I think contacting support is likely your best option here…