SquaredupV3 Perspectives

I installed SquaredupV3 yesterday evening, and were then able to navigate my servers and see all perspectives (Hyper-V etc.).

Now this morning after reinstalling SquaredupV3, I don’t see those perspectives anymore. Is there anything I need to do to make Squaredup realize what perspectives to show me for the different server objects?

I realized what were missing - The “Hyper-V (Veeam) Dashboard Pack”.


After installing this the perspective were available :slight_smile:

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I’m attempting to get the Hyper-V (Veeam) Dashboard Pack to work, did you have to configure anything in the Dashboard?

Jelly: I think it’s the scoping, we must have ours configured differently than the defaults for Veem… I wasn’t the one who installed the management pack for it.

Hi. I haven’t got the dashboard working either - It won’t scope correct. Haven’t spent any time trying to fix it - I guess I most likely have to change the scope manually :slight_smile:


Which part isn’t working? I haven’t tested this myself, but have some spare time tomorrow and was planning on importing some packs :slight_smile:

I think it’s the scoping, we must have ours configured differently than the defaults for Veem… I wasn’t the one who installed the management pack for it.