VROPS integration



Has anyone had any experience integrating SquaredUp with VROPS?

Is it possible?

We have only integrated by using the webcontent tile.

eg. https://vrops.mydomain.com/ui?t=aaaaaaaj#bbbbbbbb

If you’re using the Web API, then this webinar talks about pulling data from external sources: https://youtu.be/N7OR1MH6ifE

I highly rate the NiCE VMware MP (https://www.nice.de/nice-vmware-mp/) Squared Up held a webinar and looked at it here: https://youtu.be/boYCwOK-pNU

Veeam MP is great with the number of objects and amount of information it discovers/collects. It’s just really expensive.

Some similar posts to your question below.

VMWare Nice vs Veeam: https://bit.ly/2lxIt6E

SCOM – Free VMWare Management Pack: https://bit.ly/2lW7rgx

We looked into this as well at one point and found either Nice or Veeam were your best bets. Veeam is very pricey but I hear good things about it. Nice is newer to the game but gaining ground quickly on Veeam. We did find a company called Blue Medora that had a connector for SCOM and VROPS but it was to get data from SCOM into VROPS which was not what we were looking for. There is a community one out there too but if you vcenters are appliance based it will not work.