Has anyone had any experience integrating SquaredUp with VROPS?
Is it possible?
Has anyone had any experience integrating SquaredUp with VROPS?
Is it possible?
We have only integrated by using the webcontent tile.
If you’re using the Web API, then this webinar talks about pulling data from external sources: https://youtu.be/N7OR1MH6ifE
I highly rate the NiCE VMware MP (https://www.nice.de/nice-vmware-mp/) Squared Up held a webinar and looked at it here: https://youtu.be/boYCwOK-pNU
Veeam MP is great with the number of objects and amount of information it discovers/collects. It’s just really expensive.
Some similar posts to your question below.
VMWare Nice vs Veeam: https://bit.ly/2lxIt6E
SCOM – Free VMWare Management Pack: https://bit.ly/2lW7rgx
We looked into this as well at one point and found either Nice or Veeam were your best bets. Veeam is very pricey but I hear good things about it. Nice is newer to the game but gaining ground quickly on Veeam. We did find a company called Blue Medora that had a connector for SCOM and VROPS but it was to get data from SCOM into VROPS which was not what we were looking for. There is a community one out there too but if you vcenters are appliance based it will not work.